Bi fold door pricing – can I afford one?

Bi fold door pricing – can I afford one?
Bi fold door pricing, You have seen them in magazines, you have seen them on your friend’s homes, you have checked out a lot of web sites and you know you definitely want one, you have even gone as far as obtaining quotations, but then comes the crunch – “can you afford it”
Bi-folds are not particularly cheap, even those that brand themselves as, extremely competitively priced, can take a big chunk out of your budget. If you have viewed the “state of the art” WarmCore Homes web site and vetted our super stylish aluminium clad -multichambered UPVC cored incredibly thermally efficient bi fold doors you will have to agree they look pretty good. If you have taken the next step you will probably already have an idea of the configuration of doors you require, clicked on the “Quick quote” drop down menu, designed your door, requested your quote and started to dream – dependent upon your budget you may have been ecstatically happy when you received our quote or alternatively you could feel as if your dreams had just crashed and burned.
Why ?? Buying a Bi Fold door may well be a lot easier than you think. When we review the consumer activity on our web site it tends to follow a pretty standard format –
A couple of minutes on the home page to review the content
The odd individual clicks on and has a quick perusal of our Terms &Conditions or maybe takes in our blog page for a quick overview read.
But, the majority of reviewers see what they want, Bi folds, Patio doors, windows etc. , click the link and move swiftly to the “Get a quote” page design and request a quote, unaware that they are missing out on so much more information.
Only when they have requested their quote do many of our reviewers go back and investigate all the masses of information we actually provide in our web site and right there on the front page in the banner drop down menu is the answer to many of our customer’s dreams –
There are three headers
“Instant on line quote”
“premium Installation”
And – the big one
0% Barclays Finance – instant on line decision
Surprising how many would be customers once they have found this link click on it and open up a whole new world where their dreams can be fulfilled. WarmCore Homes through the services of Barclays are able to offer all of our prospective customers the opportunity to purchase their new Bi Fold door on attractive financial terms -our finance page is user friendly easy to navigate and sets out –
what you can borrow – £1000 – £9000 (subject of course to application and status)
Who can apply? You must be 18 years or over in permanent UK Residence – for a minimum of 3 years and you should fall into one of the following categories – In regular, permanent employment working a minimum of 16 hours per week (including students), retired from regular employment. Minimum age 50, not working through disability or Self – employed
We have even made the process of applying for a loan as easy as we can by including on our Finance page this “step by step” guide video as to how to complete the application forms – as a preview so you can see just how easy it would be to purchase your new WarmCore Homes Bi Fold door on finance we have included a copy of that very same video here.
WarmCoreFinance2016 from WarmCore Homes on Vimeo.
So now you know what is required to qualify, how much you can borrow and how to complete the application forms – maybe your budget can run to that new Bi Fold door – so what’s stopping you maybe it’s time to revisit the web site and get that order placed.